Information events for parents and guardians
Parents can contact and visit the school throughout the year for immediate and continuous information.
Η συνεχής ενημέρωση και επαφή του φροντιστηρίου με τους γονείς και κηδεμόνες των μαθητών θεωρούμε πως είναι πολύ εποικοδομητική αλλά και απαραίτητη καθώς συμπληρώνει τη δουλειά μαθητών και καθηγητών που γίνεται στο χώρο του φροντιστηρίου και εξασφαλίζει την απαραίτητη συνεργασία με στόχο την καλύτερη προετοιμασία των μαθητών.
Every school year, there are 2 in-person parent briefings organised at the school. The first in November and the second in March. These are attended by all teachers to provide thorough and comprehensive updates on the progress and achievement of the students.
Also, immediately after the first Christmas simulation exams, the management of the school informs parents by telephone about the progress and development of their children in all subjects taught.
The grades of all competitions and tests in which students have been tested are sent immediately to parents via SMS, as soon as they are corrected.