The tests of the "MATHETEIA" Tutoring Centre are always held outside teaching hours and they are three hours for the 3rd grade of Lyceum and 2 hours for the rest of the classes.
Participation in the exams is compulsory and in case of non-attendance, parents are informed by telephone.
Ξεκινούν κάθε χρόνο το πρώτο δεκαήμερο του Οκτωβρίου και το πρόγραμμά τους κοινοποιείται σε μαθητές και γονείς με e-mail.
During the Christmas and Easter holidays, simulated exams are held in the tutorial within the framework of the OEFE.
In addition to the official three-hour and two-hour tests, students' progress and performance is also monitored through shorter tests, always outside of class time.
Parents are immediately informed about the grades of all tests and competitions by sending an SMS to their mobile phone.